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10 Quick and Easy Patriotic Decorations You Can Make Today!

A good way to show your patriotism and celebrate the best that America stands for is to decorate your home for the weeks around the 4th of July. After all, the founding fathers dedicated their lives to founding the country, and thanks to their work we can proudly stand under the stars and stripes. Use some of these Patriotic Decorations ideas to add patriotic decor that will make your home a welcoming place to be this summer.

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1. Lawn Pinwheels

When the summer breeze drifts over your yard, you can use it to use patriotic lawn pinwheels. With great designs like red, white and blue stars and red and white stripes as they spin, they look really spectacular. They are also pretty on silent days, which makes them a great choice. Get It from Amazon

2. Potted Plants

With red, white and blue flowers planted in ceramic pots painted with patriotic decorations, you will transform your summer flowers in a great way to show your patriotism. Get blue pots of white stars and white pots with red stripes as a base, and add flowers that contrast with the colors on the pots. Use these to lead up the stairs or to edge the edge of your back patio.

3. Wreaths

Bringing a patriotic wreath on your doorstep is a great way to greet guests and pay tribute to American history.
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4. Flags

Although it seems a bit obvious, it is ironic how many people actually forget to use real flags when hanging their patriotic decorations.

5. The Stars

Since the stars represent the 50 US states, they are also neatly displayed on the folded flags and there will be no difference in shape and size. The stars on the flags can be decorated in many ways, as well as the red and blue stripes.

6. Colors Of The Flag

The red, white and blue stripes of the American flag are the real eye-catchers. When we see these three colors together, it reminds us of the national flag. These three colors can be used as a patriotic flag, folded fan, drapery pull-downs and even banners.

7. Patriotic Theme

Painting a patriotic themed room is actually pretty easy. The color selection is a breeze. Choose either a deep red or a navy blue.

8. Use Of Candles

Candles also give a patriotic space a nice accent. You can find candles in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Do not be afraid to use scented candles in a patriotic room. A scented candle with apple pie can bring childhood memories to many Americans and is the perfect accent for a patriotic space.
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9. Changing Interior Decor to match the seasons and holidays throughout the year

It's fun to keep your interior fresh by adapting it to the seasons and holidays throughout the year. This is another great home accessory that you can add to your seasonal home decor collection.
Get the Wooden Flag from Amazon

10. Pictures of Heroes

Show pictures of some people from your past who you think are heroes. This can affect presidents, scientists, artists, or anyone who has a positive impact on the world around them. You do not have to limit this to pictures of people from the past, but you can also display pictures of current leaders and thinkers.

Regardless of the type of patriotic decor you use in your decorations this summer, make sure the celebrations go beyond the decor. If you have children, help to explore American history and dramatize important events in gaining independence. You can also expand the patriotic theme into eating with berry trifles and other goodies that use red, white and blue.

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